"Trembling enthusiasm over exposed flesh!"

2016 TF2Chan Site and Services Renewal! by Ashe - 04/13/16 @ 10:37 PM EDT #

It's time to renew TF2chan's domain name and services once again, the goal for which is $65 this year and is due by May 5th, 2016. If you'd like to help keep the site alive for another year, please donate via the link below! All money received from donations will go towards paying for the domain name and services renewal, and any funds over the top will be saved towards next year! Donations $5 and up are preferred, and there is no limit to the amount you may donate. Please use the button below to make your donations, and contact us if you have any questions, at mods@tf2chan.net! Thank you all again for your help, and for all the years we've had so far! Hopefully, we'll have many more to come!

Goal met! Thanks to all who donated!

New Mod! by Ashe - 08/05/15 @ 03:25 AM EDT #

So. Been a long while since we had any news posts, huh? Good thing that for the most part, no news is good news! Kiyi's a new mod in charge of kicking spambots right in the keister! Make sure to give them a thank you sometime for stepping up, in light of a new wave of these annoyances cropping up, and remember to report any spam you see so we can get to it quicker! In addition, for immediate results I encourage anyone who spots a spam post to hop into our steam community chat! Of course, you can always just come to chat for fun as well, we don't bite! (Except for Hydra. He'll give you the boot, right in the fruit. Fair warning.)

Spam Banhammer by Kumori - 08/06/14 @ 09:24 PM EDT #

In light of recent spam posts involving pornography and advertising I have wrote a number of measures to bring them down to a bare minimum- if not completely eliminate them all. A few such measures I have gone through was make it virtually impossible to access the site via a proxy, place ranged IP bans on known spam offenders and beef up our spamfilter. When a spam post triggers the spamfilter, it will block the post from being posted and permanently ban the offender.

Unfortunately, aggressive means of keeping spam down may or may not have its hiccups. If you are legitimate user and you find your access to the site restricted in any such way or form don't hesitate to email the Mods and we'll fix you up.

2014 TF2chan Site and Services Renewal Fundraiser by Ashe - 03/06/14 @ 11:06 PM EST #

It's time to renew TF2chan's domain name and services for another year, which will cost $75 altogether and is due by May 1st, 2014. If you'd like to help keep the site alive for another year, please donate via the link below! All money received from donations will go towards paying for the domain name and services renewal, and any funds over the top will go towards paying for the Mantrain! Donations $5 and up are preferred, and there is no limit to the amount you may donate. Please use the button below to make your donations, and contact us if you have any questions, at mods@tf2chan.net! Thank you all for your help!

Goal met! Thanks to all who donated!

Post-Halloween Breakdown by Ashe - 11/05/13 @ 09:45 PM EST #

What a series of events we had this All Hallows Eve! Let's take a quick recap on the bad, the good, and the otherwise interesting things!

Let's start off with the bad. The TF2 Halloween events run by our Mantrain server admin, Dinosaur Pirate, revealed to us a lack of interest in users playing on the Mantrain, so in light of this and the lack of donation funds for it, we're going to allow it to expire. Kumori has, however, found a sweet deal that will allow us to bring the Mantrain back at just a little over half the current price, as well as on a more personally known host, whenever interest returns! The new goal can be seen at the bottom of this news post.

We have also seen a great success from a group project hosted by our very own Mawaru, titled Ghost Stories from Teufort, a collection of fiction, artwork, Source Filmmaker, all tied up with a beautiful presentation within its PDF, as well as holding a secret within its pages that some people are still unraveling! If you haven't seen it yet, head on over to the thread right now by clicking here! You won't regret it!

Lastly, and on a more personal note and totally not because Kumori made me do it, it's a good time for me to mention that I've been promoted to the position of Overlord Of All The Dicks Co-Administrator, alongside Kumori. Basically, it means I will be subjugating all of you peons to a 100% chance of raining dicks on every page, abusing my newfound power, and overall just doing the same fun things to ensure that TF2chan remains a safe and fun environment! If you have any questions, or just want to hang out with the coolest moderator-turned-administrator around, feel free to drop into the TF2 Circlejerk chatroom on Steam, or shoot me an e-mail at mods@tf2chan.net. Happy Halloween, and I hope you're all ready for Thanksgiving and Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa/Other Festive December Holiday!

Dicks: The Dickening by Kumori - 05/24/13 @ 05:02 PM EDT #

Users, you have asked for changes, and boy have we listened and brought you changes!
For over the course of the last few weeks, I sat all the moderators down with me and had lengthy discussions on the comments and suggestions we've received from you. I must say, we made quite the turn-around!

Enough of the cheesy opening statement, hopefully our efforts have been worth the wait:
  • TF2chan has been completely renovated inside and out. This includes the site having received a major overhaul in code infrastructure, a reworked front page, a new unique TF2chan style sheet, and a variety of many other style sheets to choose from!
  • The Rules have been made more clear and concise, while maintaining TF2chan's traditional tough-love attitude. In addition, unnecessary rules have been editted out and new ones have been added in.
  • TF2chan's Mantrain and MvM servers have been updated and will continue to serve their purpose as long as the community supports them. In addition, our very own Dinosaur Pirate is heading the servers and is bringing the funtimes back!
  • /workshop/ has been taken down and the threads that were in it were moved into the proper art boards.
  • /gmod/ has been changed to /3d/ with embedding enabled to support user material both from Garry's Mod and Souce Film Maker.
  • /rs/ has been taken down and is replaced with /upl/ to serve as a stronger base for users to host things they wish to give to the community.
  • All the boards in general have received updates in functionality, such as allowing larger images and more file types to be uploaded.
  • Hidden boards have also been added, along with other secret features!
  • DICKS ARE EVERYWHERE! (Literally, you'll find out for yourself.)
Here are a couple riddles to help you figure out the hidden boards:
This bird once was TF2chan's favorite, before doves, parrots or owls.
A man of great influence and admiration, not afraid to throw his weight around.
A perfectly normal number with absolutely no diabolical connotations at all.
Scout is a baseball fan, and so is this guy.

On top of everything posted above, we are promoting an atmosphere where can people can chill out and not get offended over everything. TF2chan is a safe haven for those of us who are sick of hearing whiny everything-is-offensive attitudes. Above all, we are promoting TF2chan as a community that focuses on quality and constructive criticism without devolving into elitism. However, it's up to you to post more art, fanfiction, discussion, and more things to talk about to make this happen!

Prompts, and contests with prizes are also in the works and are set to be released sometime in the very near future.

We have cultivated a fresh foundation for the community to grow on, now it's up to you to get posting! It's in your hands!

Site Maintenance by Kumori - 05/15/13 @ 10:19 PM EDT #

As long as Valve keeps updating TF2, I will keep updating TF2chan. Over the next few days I'll be doing a major rehaul of the site and improving its infrastructure. The site will remain open and the boards will remain unlocked while this is happening. However, please bear with me, because you might see some crazy shit happen.

TF2chan Domain Name and Services Renewal Fundraiser by Kumori - 03/14/13 @ 03:34 PM EDT #

TF2chan's domain name and services needs to be renewed, which will cost $75 altogether and is due before May 5th, 2013. You can help TF2chan stay alive for another year by donating! All money received from donations will go towards paying for the domain name and services renewal, and any funds left over will go towards paying for its game servers. Donations $5 and up are preferred, and there is no limit to the amount you may donate. Donators will also receive perks for-life on our game servers, which are explained on their respective pages. Please use the button below to make your donations. Thank you for your help!

Status: $75


Thanks to everyone that donated!

The TF2chan Mantrain Fundraiser! by Kumori - 10/25/12 @ 06:04 PM EDT #

It's getting close to the end of The TF2chan Mantrain's server subscription. The Mantrain needs to be renewed by November 9th, and it'll cost $186 to give it life for another whole year. We are currently $68 out of the $186 needed to renew its subscription! All money received from donations will go towards paying for The Mantrain's subscription renewal, and any extra funds left over will be saved for next year's renewal.

We are also giving all of our donators special perks for life on our game servers. You can read more about it by clicking on our servers' respective pages here.

Donations can be made at $5 and above, and the maximum you may donate is $500. Please click the button below to make your donations and to check out what we have in total. Thank you for your help!

TF2chan mentioned in PC Gamer magazine! by Kumori - 08/30/12 @ 06:50 PM EDT #

Thanks to Rev for finding this, and many thanks to our writers! Keep up the good work!

In other News..
The TF2chan MvM server has been made available to the public! Grab your friends and go!
We are also currently $40 out of $186 needed to renew the Mantrain's server subscription. You can help out by donating below, and donators will also receive perks for life!

A very well-written piece deserving a frontpage mention. by Kumori - 08/29/12 @ 08:48 PM EDT #

Erectin’ Criticism – Why You Shouldn’t Fear TF2chan
by D.F. 38

The TF2chan Mantrain vs Machine! and Mantrain Redux! by Kumori - 08/24/12 @ 07:59 PM EDT #

Thanks to a gratuitous donation by our own Agent of Hydra, we have been able to open up our own private Mann vs Machine server!

Welcome the TF2chan Mantrain vs Machine!

For more information about the server, please visit this page.

In other News...
The public Mantrain server has also been reduxed so don't hesitate to play! We're also offering lifetime perks to all of our donators!
The fundraiser is also going strong, thanks to everyone that has donated thus far! Please click on the Clan Pay button button below to check out how we are standing.

The TF2chan Mantrain! Fundraiser by Kumori - 08/18/12 @ 07:07 PM EDT #

It's that time again folks. The TF2chan Mantrain's server subscription needs to be renewed on November 9th, and it'll cost $186 to give it life for another whole year. We're starting the donation drive for The Mantrain early in hopes we can collect enough funds for it in time of renewal. All money received from donations will go towards paying for The Mantrain's subscription renewal, and any extra funds left over will be saved for next year's renewal.

There's also a discussion going on in regards to hosting MvM mode on the Mantrain or having the possibility of renting another dedicated server just for it. You can find the discussion over in /inception/.

Donations can be made at $5 and above, and the maximum you may donate is $500. Please click the button below to make your donations and to check out what we have in total. Thank you for your help!

Reunion Party on the TF2chan Mantrain! by Kumori - 07/12/12 @ 02:51 PM EDT #

It's a reunion party, and everyone's invited! Regulars, lurkers, oldfags and newfags alike are all welcomed to join the TF2chan Mantrain server for some good old-fashioned funtimes! Bring your own bag of chips.

Time: Friday, July 13th at 9pm EST.

/fanfic/ Archives Now Updated by Kumori - 04/02/12 @ 06:03 PM EDT #

Go check them out, faggots!

Whoops! by Kumori - 02/08/12 @ 03:14 PM EST #

There was a problem at the datacenter that hosts TF2chan and the tech team decided to reboot the system which caused the temporary downtime. For a moment we thought that we got DDoS’d again, but it doesn’t appear to have been that at all, according to our host.

However, Mancraft did experience downtime due to a DDoS attack on the server that hosts it. The two situations happened roughly at the same time, which made us think we were under a DDoS attack again. In the end it appears that the two aren’t corelated at all.

SOPA Protest by Kumori - 01/17/12 @ 09:36 PM EST #

In order to protest the Stop Online Piracy Act and the Protect IP Act, we have decided to join in the Internet-wide blackout starting Wednesday, January 18th. For 24-48 hours, TF2chan's site and game servers will be censored. However, the Circlejerk will remain live and uncensored.

A message from Ashe. by Kumori - 12/30/11 @ 09:44 PM EST #

New Moderator by Kumori - 09/20/11 @ 06:50 PM EDT #

Ah shit, it looks like we've been invaded by a monster. A Kilo Monster!
Please welcome KiloMonster as the latest addition to the moderation team! Congratulations!

PaintChat is now live! by Kumori - 09/11/11 @ 11:55 AM EDT #

And not with one, two, or 100, but 10 rooms! Enjoy!

The TF2chan Mantrain donation drive. by Kumori - 09/05/11 @ 07:01 PM EDT #

It's that time again folks. The TF2chan Mantrain's server subscription needs to get renewed on November 9th, and it'll cost $186 to give it life for another whole year. We're starting the donation drive for The Mantrain early in hopes we can collect enough funds for it in time of renewal. All money received from donations will go towards paying for The Mantrain's subscription renewal, and any extra funds left over will be saved for TF2chan's other game servers. Donations $5 and up are preferred, and the maximum you may donate is $500. Please use the button below to make your donations. Thank you for your help!

Raised $222 of $186.
Thanks to every one that donated!

Did you think we would forget? by Kumori - 08/19/11 @ 05:19 AM EDT #

Wow, it's been a year, hasn't it? One entire year since the Crocosnipalypse last August when the previous modship flipped upside down and inside out. We've come a long way since then and decided we should have an anniversary commemorating a very pivital (albeit bitter) moment in TF2chan's life. Today gives us a chance to brush away the dust of past fallacies as we continue to make TF2chan a better place to be. Today is also a good day to inaugurate a new mod into our ranks, complete with a personal statement. Please give congratulations to Exac!

Opening statement from Exac:
     Happy Anniversary, TF2chan. Today marks an entire year since the shit flinging bonanza and consequent mass exodus brought about by one thing last August. An artist? A moderator? A rugged Australian attached at the hips to a crocodile?

     No, the train was derailed by the massive swinging dick known in layman's terms as mod incoherence. Murky policies were enforced inconsistently with undue aggression and reached their eye ravaging zenith last summer. Some of our writers, artists, lurkers and anons emerged from their shitproof underground bunkers. Many, quite understandably, packed up and left. Now take another look at the Info tab, go on, we'll wait. This is the team today, and we're afraid this collection of newfags and oldfags aren't interested in another instance of all out prick waving. At the expense of losing the cool kid aroma that came with fear mongering and making one too many questionable decisions, we want to see the place thrive. Today's mods are your fellow writers, artists, players and lurkers but with the added duty of maintaining TF2chan the way it should have been from day one.

     We will not regain everyone's trust. We understand that as much as we regret it. We will, however, uphold our standards with respect and accountability. No one is above the rules. No one is above critique. No one is above anyone else. Mods included. Enjoy your stay. - Exac

Rehired mods and.. Scout..? Scout! Get back in here! by Kumori - 07/12/11 @ 04:17 PM EDT #

Please welcome oldfags Ashsflames and Novichok back as part of the moderating team. Congratulations, guys!

Artist Credit: Tetra

Built to Last by Kumori - 06/07/11 @ 07:49 PM EDT #

As you may have well noticed, the Chan has experienced brief lock-downs the past few days. Due to the recent raid I have been busying myself with restoring as much as possible that was recently lost. Also, in light of these skiddies' shenanigans, I've been working under the hood on adding several new layers of security to the Chan, including the implementation of reCaptcha, to ensure this never happens again. I greatly thank you for being patient with the brief interrupts, guys!

Don't Panic! by Nyx - 06/03/11 @ 06:31 PM EDT #

Well that was a fun trip! You might notice some things returning in dribs and drabs, but rest assured we're doing our best to get as much restored as possible. Things will be back to normal before you know it. So no worries. We're still here!

Derp by Nyx - 05/31/11 @ 01:04 AM EDT #

As I'm sure you've noticed, the chan is in lockdown and several boards are missing their threads. Lololol raids. Anyways, we'll be back up and running once we've got a backup re-loaded. Hopefully the backup will be relatively recent so we won't have lost much. Thanks for your patience, guys!

Yet another technical difficulty by Nyx - 05/21/11 @ 09:27 PM EDT #

As some of you may have noticed, the IRC is down. The host has gone down for an indeterminate amount of time so until the Chan IRC server is up and running we'll be without. Shouldn't be more than a few days, so just hang tight. Thanks!

It's All Good by Nyx - 04/03/11 @ 01:03 PM EDT #

The domain transfer has gone off without a hitch. Hallelujah! Quick and painless for once. And we'd like to thank all of you that put in donations for it. It's you guys that keep this place going!

Not big surprise by Nyx - 03/27/11 @ 05:51 PM EDT #

When does anything ever go smoothly, eh? We've hit a snag in the domain transferal (of course) and have unlocked the chan for now. As of this moment we are unsure when the issue will be resolved, so you can expect at least another duration of lockdown coming up. We'll do our best to warn you before we do so. Once again, thanks for your patience.

TF2chan lock-down and services renewal. by Kumori - 03/21/11 @ 03:07 PM EDT #

This Sunday, March 27th at 5PM EST, TF2chan will be locked down for the duration of a domain transferral. This may take anywhere from three to 24 hours, to allow proper propagation.

TF2chan's services also need to be renewed, which costs $75 altogether. You can help TF2chan stay alive by donating! All money received from donations will go towards paying for the domain transfer and renewal of its services, and any funds left over will go towards paying for its game servers. Donations $5 and up are preferred, and there is no limit to the amount you may donate. Please use the button below to make your donations. Thank you for your help!

Update: Thanks a lot guys!

The TF2chan Archives are now live, plus a new mod! by Kumori - 02/15/11 @ 08:29 PM EST #

The Archives are finally up and running. To learn more about the Archives, please visit the Info page.

Also, please welcome Oper as a part of the mod team! Oper is the owner of TOFT and has been with TF2chan since '08. Congratulations, Oper!

The daily life of a TF2chan mod. by Kumori - 02/04/11 @ 06:20 PM EST #

Yay by Nyx - 01/27/11 @ 12:26 PM EST #

Welcome back to the chan guys! Some kinks still need to be worked out, so consider yourselves guinea pigs.

I am gonna beat you like a red-headed step child. by Kumori - 01/27/11 @ 05:36 AM EST #

The server move went smoothly and we got everything plugged in without a hitch. Therefore we wouldn't have to start the chan from scratch again. However, there were a few kinks to be ironed out, and while working on them it allowed the chan to fully propagate. I apologize for the delay in bringing the boards back up, but the chan had to be beaten into submission. Thank you for your patience!

Just in time for our birthday! by Nyx - 01/23/11 @ 08:09 PM EST #

Tomorrow night, which will be January 24th, starting around 7:00 pm EST, the chan is going to be locked down then offline for a few hours. We are finally going to be moving to a new and much better host, courtesy of our own Kumori. So don't panic! We'll be back up and running in no time, with some new things in the works! And just in time for our birthday, which is the 25th. So, happy birthday guys!

Server move: FAIL by aussienon - 12/15/10 @ 05:41 PM EST #

Protip: Trying to organize a server move with several people in different timezones over the busy christmas period is a nightmare.

But yes, we have a new server for the chan ready as soon as we organize ourselves! Hoorah!

Ouch by aussienon - 11/07/10 @ 08:24 PM EST #

Well...that was unpleasant. Hopefully that will never happen again!

For those of you who have half a clue about computers, we had something causing the CPU usage to skyrocket forcing me to NUKE FROM ORBIT aka reinstall the chan from scratch. OH WELL! Time to get those 1GETs!

Oh noes! by aussienon - 11/07/10 @ 07:40 PM EST #

Due to strange and unforseen errors I've had to reinstall from scratch. We'll be back up soon!

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